Síguenos en la Redes Sociales

Mon – Fri 7:45 – 18:00

01 708 2600

Calle Camino Real 166 – Urb. Industrial San Francisco-Ate-Lima-Perú.

Sales Policy


CONTE GROUP’s Limited Sales Policy

Conte Group S.A.C. is a company dedicated to market supplies and the manufacture of intermediate products for the Peruvian industry, searching technical solutions and supply with quality products.

In order to carry out sale processes to the satisfaction of our customers, following is our comprehensive sales policy:

A. Price List Policy

  • We handle prices for the local, national and foreign markets, which are set based on the market value, always looking to be competitive.
  • Our prices are set in US Dollars without including the General Sales Tax.
  • The prices for the national market include freight cost, every time the dispatches are done from our main office located in ATE-LIMA.
  • Billing in Soles applies on cases that are so required, such as sales to public entities, where prices in US Dollars are converted to Soles at the commercial exchange rate as established by the company.
  • Clients requesting credits must coordinate with their sales executive, who will indicate the procedure to follow in accordance with the Company’s credits and collection policy.
  • The validity of our prices is analyzed according to the international market trends.
  • Once the quote is requested to our sale executive, the price is set and the Purchase Order must be issued with that price.
  • The price changes on high turnover products are communicated by the Commercial Manager to each sales executive, who will in turn inform to its clients’ portfolio.

B. Promotions, Discounts and Bonuses Policy

  • Promotions or bonuses are reported by the Commercial Management to each sales executive, who in turn will inform to its clients’ portfolio.
  • Promotions or bonuses have a validity period established by the Commercial Management or until the stock is sold out.
  • The discounts are established dependent on the purchase volume of each client.
  • Promotions and/or discounts do not apply to clients with past due or unpaid debt.

C. General Sale Policy


  • Quotation is a commercial agreement between the Sales Executive and the Client, in which detailed are products, prices, quantity, products delivery period, payment conditions and payment terms.
  • The validity time for a quote to be approved by the client with the agreed conditions is one business day.
  • The quotes agreed by the sales executives are approved by the Commercial Management.
  • It is necessary that customers always request quotes, in order to be aware of the price, discounts and promotions in force on the date of the request.
  • It is important that the client indicates the type of service required: “Delivery” (to be delivered with our distribution units at a set time), “Pick up” (client orders by telephone or mail and comes to our facilities to pick them up) or “To Go” (purchase at the sale point to go).

Purchase Orders

  • Any purchase order is originated from an approved quote, containing the same information negotiated in the quote and is issued as a purchase confirmation by the client.
  • The purchase order generates a stock reserve for the client during a period of 2 business days. After that time, the Purchase Order is cancelled and the stock released.
  • Once the purchase order is cancelled, the client must request a quote again.
  • The purchase order will be displayed in the dispatch area, who will process the merchandise delivery, in accordance with the delivery terms agreed with the client.

Sale of Formulations

  • Any formulation order must be previously paid by the client. The client will coordinate with its sales executive who will take the order, receive the bank voucher and will deliver the receipt for the advanced payment.
  • The Sales Executive will then coordinate the formulation preparation with the production area, informing to the client the date and hour for its picking up.
  • The average waiting period for the formulation preparation is 2 to 3 hours, depending on the time that the order was taken. Such that if the order was given in the morning it may be picked up in the afternoon and if the order was received in the afternoon it may be picked up during the morning hours of the following day.

Sale of Compounds

  • Any compound order, must be previously paid by the client. The client will coordinate with its sales executive, who will take the order, receive the bank voucher and will deliver the receipt for the advanced payment.
  • The sales executive will then coordinate the preparation of the compound with the production area, informing to the client the date and hour for its picking up.
  • The average waiting period for the preparation of a compound is 4 to 5 working days.

Dispatch and Delivery of Orders

  • The purchase orders accepted and approved will be displayed in the dispatch area, who will issue the Way-Bill, considering the delivery terms as coordinated with the client.
  • For the cases determined “To Deliver”, the dispatch area schedules deliveries according to the area where the customer’s premises are located. It should be noted that we are responsible for the security of delivery until it reaches the customer’s reception place.
  • The minimum amount for delivery of the product is USD 300 dollars. Less than this amount, the client must pick up its order, or rather coordinate with its sales executive.
  • For the “Pick-up” cases, the dispatch area must take into account the pick-up schedule agreed between the sales executive and the customer, so that when the customer comes to our facilities, it can pick up the products without any problem.
  • For the cases determined as “To Go” these are immediate delivery orders at our sales places.
  • All the products with the “Pick Up” and “To Go” conditions, are delivered by the dispatch area, against the previous delivery by the client of the invoice with the cancellation stamp.

Schedule for Customer’s Service

  • Our customer’s service hours are from Monday to Friday from 7.45 am to 13:00 hours and from 14:00 to 18:00 hours.

Delivery Times

  • For delivery of orders determined as “To Deliver”, the delivery time is up to three business days.
  • When the product is not available in stock, the delivery time will be agreed with the Sales Executive.


For Cash Sales:

  • The dispatch area informs the Cashier that the product is already billed.
  • The cashier area issues the Invoice and proceeds with the collection and cancellation of the document.
  • In the case of sales paid in cash via bank transfers or bank deposits, the cashier must have confirmation of the deposit by the credits and collection area, before issuing the invoice.

In cases of sale on credit:

  • The dispatch area informs to the credits and collection area that the product is billed and requests the respective payment voucher, which will be attached to the Way-bill with which the product will be delivered.
  • The client has the right to coordinate with the sales executive the place where the payment voucher will be delivered, in case it is not attached and delivered together with the Way-bill.

Delivery and Receipt Approval

  • The client is required to verify that the physical products delivery agrees with what is detailed in the Way-bill and Invoice, signing and stamping both documents, signaling its approval.

D. Payment Terms and Conditions Policy

  • Payments are through credit entry to the tax collector bank accounts, such that the client is always required to indicate the number of RUC or DNI at the time of the deposit.
  • We accept payments with Visa Credit and Debit Cards, which are subject to the following 4.2% commission.
  • The client can pay in Soles on payment vouchers issued in Dollars. In this regard the cash area will do the conversion to Soles, at the market exchange rate determined by the Company’s administration area.
  • In case of un-fulfilled sales, having advance payments, such advance payment will be returned to the client with the issuance of a Credit Note whether in cash or through bank transfer, in coordination with the Treasurer’s Office.
  • In case of cash sales, where the client has previously deposited, it must send the deposit voucher to its Sales Executive, such that the credit and collection area may display the deposit in our bank accounts. With said validation, the product dispatch is coordinated.
  • The bank account numbers where customers can deposit to are:

  • In the case of a new client, it must request its tax collection code from its sales executive.

E. Returns and Limited Responsibility Policy

The provisions of our Return Policy apply. In this regard, please enter the following link: https://contegroup.org/en/return-and-limited-responsibility-policy-on-sold-products/

F. Claims Policy

  • In the event of Claims, these will be dealt with as from two aspects:

Dispatch Shortage

  • The client must receive the products in the presence of the company’s dispatch personnel. In case of detecting a shortage, it must immediately inform to its sales executive to coordinate regularization of the shortage.
  • The client must write down in the Way-Bill, the physical quantity that it actually received, as evidence of the shortage.

Technical Failures in the Product

  • In case of claims due to technical failures, the customer must communicate directly with the sales executive, who will forward the respective claim to the quality area.

G. Ethical Line

In case of detecting fraud or dishonesty by our staff or third parties involved with the company, please report it at the following link: https://www.contegroup.org/etica/