Dun Dun Team – Technical-Practical Training held in Huánuco and Cerro de Pasco
Technical-Practical Training
Topic: Non-conventional construction with Massa DunDun.
Place: Huánuco and Cerro de Pasco
From February 28 to March 03, 2017.
The DunDun Team arrived at the city of Huánuco, in spite of the bad weather conditions suffered in those days throughout the country. Our commitment was to provide information on the savings achieved by using Massa DunDun in their constructions, in addition to generating increased productivity.
Training took place in the main auditorium of the Cerro de Pasco Municipality with massive presence of people from the civil construction union, engineers and people related to the construction area. Surprisingly there were men and women with thirst for information, with the desire to eliminate the paradigm that they can only build their houses with the traditional mortar
Back in the city of Huanuco, on March 02 and 03, we were requested to give a Keynote Conference in the Engineering Association Auditorium of Huánuco. The DunDun Team previously visited the Civil Engineering and the Architecture Faculties at the Hermilio Valdizán University.
A Poster of the Conference was spread by the social networks of the Engineers Association in Huánuco.
Finally, on March 03, by request of the construction masters, we agreed visiting work sites in the city of Huánuco. Practical tests on the Massa DunDun application were made: upon applying 2 strands of approximately 1cm diameter on the bricks and blocks, it took from 15 to 20 minutes for the brick to settle once the Massa DunDun was applied.