Massa DunDun at Expo Arcon 2018 – from July 04 to 07, 2018 Full construction and trading event
Stand built in 8 hours with Massa DunDun for Expo Arcon 2018 #unidoadundun #unidoparasiempre
Massa DunDun: Protagonista del ahorro en su obra.
CONTE GROUP is the exclusive representative of Massa DunDun in Peru. Unprecedented Expo in the construction sector. Analyzed information on the most important infrastructure projects for the coming years, with a view to our country’s Bicentennial. Also new works for developers in the Construction and Real Estates Companies.

This was an excellent opportunity to strengthen our business relationships with companies in the area, which will certainly expand our client’s portfolio.
This is to also remind you about “Maestro DunDun”, a training course for construction specialists. Register at https://contegroup.org/massadundunperu/